Yoga chakra

Vishuddha Chakra: The abode of speech, health and clairvoyance

Jan 04, 2022
By Devendra Narayan, PhD.

Credit: MS Sanskrit 391. Authored by Svami Hamsasvarupa, 1900s. Wellcome Collection. The original image has been modified for use in this article. 

  • Vishuddha (or Vishuddhi) is the sixteen-petalled, smoke-colored lotus (chakra) located in the throat. 
  • The masculine and feminine deities residing within the Vishuddha chakra are Sadashiva and Shakini.
  • Vishuddha chakra is associated with the space element and is the abode of speech, health and clairvoyance.

I have previously discussed the architecture of the Muladhara, Svadhisthana, Manipura and Anahata chakras according to the 16th century text Sat Chakra Nirupana. As we continue our journey through the inner pilgrimage, we explore the architecture of the fifth sacred city, the Vishuddha chakra.

Vishuddha Chakra 

Vishuddha chakra is the smoke-colored lotus that resides in the throat. It has sixteen petals and carved on these petals in red color are the 16 syllables am, Am, im, Im, um, Um, Rm, RRm, lRm, lRRm, Em, aim, Om, OUm, aha, aham (please refer to the sounds of the chakras by Harish Johari for proper pronunciation of these syllables. Link is given in reference). 

Credit: MS Sanskrit 391. Authored by Svami Hamsasvarupa, 1900s. Wellcome Collection. The original image has been modified for use in this article. 

In the Vishuddha chakra resides the full moon (purna chandra), which represents the element of space (Akash). He is adorned in white, has four arms that hold, a rope, a hook, an abhaya mudra, and a varada mudra. In the center of the lotus is the bija mantra, Ham, seated on an elephant. (Recall that the elephant is also the vehicle of the Muladhara chakra.) 

In the lap of the Ham bija mantra is the male deity Sadashiva. Half male, half female, white like snow with 3 eyes, five heads and ten hands, wearing a tiger skin around his waist. Those who follow the path of righteousness receive well-being and siddhis from Lord Sadashiva.

Next to Sadashiva, is the female deity Shakini, with white skin adoring yellow garments and holding a bow, an arrow, a rope and a hook in each of her four hands. Devi Shakini is said to guard the entrance to liberation. 

As per Sat Chakra Nirpuana, one must meditate on the vishuddhi chakra by retaining the inhalation and directing the vayu towards the Brahmarandhra (aperture at the crown of the head). By doing so, one gains control over speech, becomes a superior speaker, knowledgeable, still-minded, clairvoyant, and free from disease and illness. With his brilliance he is able to dispel the darkness and bring well-being to others. 

The sixth inner sacred city, Ajna chakra, will be discussed in the next article.​​ 

About the Author

Devendra Narayan is a scientist, yoga teacher, breathworker, scholar and founder of Cultivate Prana Academy. Cultivate Prana's mission is to empower modern day healers through education that integrates ancient wisdom and modern science. 


  1. Svāmihaṃsasvarūpakr̥tam Ṣaṭcakranirūpaṇacitram : bhāṣyasamalaṃkr̥taṃ bhāṣāṭīkopetañ ca = Shatchakra niroopana chittra with bhashya and bhasha containing the pictures of the different nerves and plexuses of the human body with their full description showing the easiest method how to practise pranayam by the mental suspension of breath through meditation only ; by Shri Swami Hansa Swaroop.
  2. Sounds of the Chakras by Harish Johari.


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